Selective Root Block

Selective Root Blocks target nerve roots which are attached to the spinal cord and out from the spine at all spinal levels. These nerves carry signals throughout the body. When one of these nerves is damaged, patients can experience numbness, pain and tingling down one of their limbs.

During the Procedure

During this procedure, a needle is inserted near the exiting nerve root connected to the damaged nerve. This needle is placed using fluoroscopy, which utilizes an injected contrast dye to guide the needle to the proper position. Sedation is offered to better accommodate patient comfort.

Who needs this procedure?

Patients suffering from symptoms of herniated disks, sciatica, or swelling of the nerve roots may benefit from Nerve Root Blocks.

How long does it take?

Depending on how many nerve roots must be injected, the procedure can take between 20-30 minutes.

After the Procedure

After the Nerve Root Block is performed, the patient may experience numbness for a short period of time. Once the patient can safely walk, they can be discharged from the office. The patient can expect to be in the office for 1-2 hours after the injection. Once the procedure is over, the numbing can cause muscle weakness in the legs. The patient should rest the following day after the procedure.

Nerve Root Blocks are used to relieve pain caused by herniated disks. They may also be used as an alternative to surgery for a herniated disk.